What we do

As an organisation we have recently revised and updated our programme and now have new bright and exciting material to use with our young people.

Our Explorer programme is called n:vestigate. 
With the help of cartoon charactors, Gabby, Barney and Fudge the dog, our 4 - 8 year olds learn about familiar topics such as Ourselves, Out and About, Our Community and God's family

Our Junior programme is called n:gage.
Each badge helps our 8 - 10 year olds to learn about a value that will help them in life, such as Kindness, Friendship, Self  Control and Co-operation.  Each value is linked to a bible character which helps our young people see how the bible is relevant today.

Our Senior programme is called n:counta.
We help our 10 - 14 year olds to meet real life head on.  Equiping them to tackle lifes challenges as they begin the transition from child to teenager.  Badges include My Community, Global Citizens, Values and Using Leisure.

Our Brigader programme is called n:spire.
Our 14 - 18 year olds tackle their badges differently as they take up challenges and seek to find ways to fulfil them.  This equips them for the tasks ahead as they leave home and start their independent lives.  Using their Bibles they learn how to put God first in everything they do.  Subjects include Technology, Creativity, Community Volunteers and Coping with Pressure.

Our activities for all ages are always exciting and lighthearted.  Our favourites are cookery, craft and games.  Learning by having fun has more impact on children and young people and helps to develop them into well grounded adults who have skills that they can draw upon as they embrace their lives.